Attending a trade show is a great way to boost your business. You can learn about new products, pick up new skills, attend important seminars, and meet lots of industry professionals. All this will keep your business current and competitive. Therefore, you should attend at least one show every year. Once you pick your show, you need to spend time preparing for it. There is a lot to take in at a trade show, and your time is limited. So, if you want some advice on how to make the most of your trade show experience, read on.
Pro Tip From Tim:
To make the most of your trade show experience, get a vendor list and site map before the show. That way, you can plan which vendor booths you want to see and your route around the show floor. This will help prevent you from getting sidetracked and missing an important vendor. Also, bring a large tote bag for all the free swag vendors give away. Try new products, meet new people, and have FUN!
Plan Each Day in Advance
It is important to have a plan for each day of the show. You should register for the show several months early. When you register, you should receive a list of vendors renting booth space for product displays and demonstrations. A map of the exhibit space marked with each vendor booth should come with the vendor list.
Take some time to decide which vendors you want to see, then plan your route around the exhibit space. Plan to spend some time at each booth and work that into the calculation of how many vendors you can see in the number of days you are spending at the show. Prioritize them, and do your best to pair up important vendors whose booths are close to each other. That way, you visit the booths you need to see without wasting time walking back and forth from one side of the exhibit space to the other.
Tips for Navigating the Product Showcase
1. Focus on Important Vendors
Focus on vendors who offer products and demonstrations your salon can use. It’s easy to get distracted at trade shows. There is so much going on, and you can easily get sidetracked by a fancy display booth or exciting demonstration. Work your daily plan so you don’t miss vendor booths important to you and your business. If you have time left at the end of the day, you can check out other cool booths and demonstrations.
2. Visit Your Current Product Manufacturers
Remember to visit the booths of your current product manufacturers or reps. You might discover that you can qualify for volume discounts or special programs that will help lower your costs.
3. Set a Budget
Set a budget for your new product purchases. It will help you focus on finding the best products for your salon and clients’ needs. Vendors want to sell a lot of products at trade shows, and some are willing to negotiate or provide incentives to get your business. Feel free to ask for additional discounts or deals when negotiating your purchases.
4. Test Before Buying
Make sure you can test the product before you buy it. People who demonstrate products at trade shows have a lot of experience using the product they are demonstrating. They have already gone through the learning curve and are old pros. Therefore, they make it look easy. But it might be more challenging for someone just starting to use the product. That’s why trying the product yourself before buying it is important.
Pick up Some Continuing Education and Training
Best of all, some seminars can provide continuing education credits required for your professional license renewal. Therefore, if you want to learn more about running a successful salon business, pick up some new skills and techniques, and maybe gather some continuing education credits, plan on attending seminars and workshops at trade shows.
One of the most important aspects of trade shows is education and training. Industry organizations always attend big shows and usually offer seminars and workshops. Seminars and workshops cover various topics, including business and marketing strategies. Additionally, trade shows sometimes offer certification programs. Hanging framed certifications on your salon suite wall can help establish your credibility with your clients.
Don’t be Shy, Take Advantage of Networking Opportunities
Trade shows are among the best places to network with other industry professionals. People attending a trade show are highly accessible and often open to meeting new friends and sharing their show experiences. It’s easy to find others providing the same services you do, work nearby, and are interested in expanding their business. Introduce yourself to as many of them as you can. Bring a stack of business cards and pass them out. Collect as much contact information from others as possible. Follow everyone on social media, and, of course, stay in touch after the show. You can never have too many connections in the industry.
Connecting with industry professionals is a great way to help your business grow. And some of the best connections are located far away. That’s because far-away connections are often more likely to share information and recommend how to build your business when they don’t fear you may steal theirs. You can trade information on salon business tools and apps, get marketing ideas, and learn how to handle difficult clients.
Vendors at trade shows often host networking events and seminars in the evenings after the show hours are over for the day. These are great opportunities to share what you’ve learned at the show and discover vendors that may offer products or seminars perfect for you and your business.
Conclusion on Attending a Trade Show
Attending a trade show is important for professional growth and building your business. And making the most of your experience at the show is an important step in building a successful salon business. At the show you will be emersed in new products and learn how to use them properly. This will keep you current and competitive within your field. You can pick up valuable and training at the seminars and workshops. Plus, the networking opportunities can connect you with other industry professionals who become friends. To learn more about upcoming cosmetology industry trade shows, check out our trade show schedule on the bello Salon Suites resources page. It’s another resource bello provides to help you build your business. While on our website, check out all our resources and other ways we support our family of industry professionals who call bello home.
bello Salon Suites is a collection of 78 custom, private studios for cosmetology professionals in Sacramento, California. Privately owned and locally based, our facility features four stylish lounges and an outside garden for a truly zen-like experience. On top of that, we offer more amenities than any other salon suites company in town. Take a tour today and see for yourself. For income potential, perks, and value, nothing compares to bello.
Tim Conner
Tim Conner is the Founder, Owner, & CEO of bello Salon Suites. He brings nearly 50 years of experience in operations leadership and has helped build successful companies by driving process optimization and creating an extraordinary customer experience.
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